(i) Obtain more interties with Bay Area agencies to help ensure region-wide sustainability. In the event of natural disasters such as earthquake and rising sea levels, we will all need to depend on one another for public health and economic stability.
(ii) Develop Sites Reservoir. Then present infrastructure could maintain cold water flows for salmon runs. It would be the only source of â"new" water in our present freshwater system.
(iii) Recharge the groundwater basin with recycled water : will be a necessity in the future!
(iv) Expansion of Los Vaqueros Reservoir, including interties, is an important regional approach.
(v) Desalination plants (desal) will be necessary as water uptake points become more salty with rising sea levels. Zone 7 is exploring this with Contra Costa Water District. Desal is an expensive proposition and deposition of brine could be problematic.
(vi) Expansion of Del Valle reservoir has been proposed by some members of Alameda County Water District, BUT, the cost-benefit analysis of increasing the volume of the lake is not favorable at this time and East Bay Regional Parks has understandable objections. A reallocation of flood management capacity could increase water availability without changing the total volume of the reservoir.
(vii) The Chain of Lakes to Zone 7? Final dates are a moving target! The complete Chain of Lakes is proposed to come to Zone 7 by 2060. (Doubt I'll be around by then!) Lakes I and Cope are now owned by Zone 7. Quarry operators have significantly postponed previous timelines for the Agency's acquisition of lakes A-H. These former quarries could be used for water storage, reception of stormwaters, and groundwater recharge (dependant on lake bottom substrate).
(viii) Annual Water Audits for leaks or tampering. Maintaining infrastructure based on the findings can save significant amounts of water and money.
Consumer Confidence Report for 2020
Zone 7 delivers treated drinking water to four major water retailers, along with a small number of direct customers, serving over a quarter million people in Pleasanton, Livermore, Dublin and the Dougherty Valley area of San Ramon.
Zone 7 also provides untreated water to local agricultural users and provides flood protection to 425 square miles of eastern Alameda County. Working closely with our partners, we pride ourselves at Zone 7 on not only meeting but also exceeding all state and federal health standards. Thatâs why we developed our own Zone 7 goalsâ setting a higher bar for the quality of our water.
ACCESS THE WHOLE REPORT HERE: https://www.zone7water.com/sites/main/files/file-attachments/z7_2020consumerconfidencereport_final-web.pdf?1625070464